An arboretum (= garden comprising of woody species of plants i.e. trees and shrubs) extending over an area of 35 ha has been established at Pilikula Nisarga Dhama where about 60,000 seedlings belonging to 236 taxa of flowering plants of Western Ghats, spread over 60 families have been planted randomly as well as family clusters. They include 70 taxa endemic to the Western Ghats region.
It is also of interest to note that the following monotypic genera (i.e., genera with only one species), endemic to the Western Ghats, are represented in the arboretum. The name of the solitary species under each genus is mentioned against the appropriate genus:
Blepharistemma Wallich ex Benth. (Rhizophoraceae)
- B. membranifolia (Miq.) Ding Hou
Moullava Adans. (Caesalpiniaceae)
- M. spicata (Dalz.) Nicolson
Otonephelium Radlk. (Sapindaceae)
- O. stipulaceum (Beddome) Radlk.
Several of the species in the arboretum are economically important, including plants of medicinal value. A trecking path 1.2 m wide and covering a distance of about 3 km has been laid in the arboretum to enable the visitors to have a comprehensive idea of the arboretum.
This arboretum is unique in the sense that irrespective of their presently known importance and usefulness to mankind, the plant species of the Western Ghats particularly in the Karnataka state, have been introduced here. The number of seedlings of each species planted in the arboretum varies, depending on their availability. This is one of the finest example of ex situ plant conservation. The arboretum along with the other facilities in the Pilikula Nisarga Dhama such as Biological Park and the Science centre are used for organizing Eco-education, Biodiversity and Environmental awareness education programmes. The awareness programmes are organised regularly for high school and college students at Pilikula Nisarga Dhama and the importance of biodiversity, plant wealth, the need for maintaining a clean environment etc. are stressed. Regular programmes are also being conducted for farmers of the locality and the sustainable utilisation of biodiversity, the advantages of organic farming etc. are explained to them.
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